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We are Asbury United Methodist Church of Clinton, Tennessee,

the light on the hill, organized in 1898! (Matt. 5:16)


A view of the church from the MacAdoo Cultural Center


Who We Are Called To Be

The Light On The Hill, connecting, directing, and transforming lives for Christ;

Lighting the path to His kingd.




What We Are Called To Do

The unified mission of the UMC (as appears in the 2016 BOD and on the UMC website) is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Local churches and extension ministries of the Church provide the most significant arenas through which disciple-making occurs.

The application of God's word in our daily lives is key to spiritual growth and affective ministry. God's mission is expressed through nurture in the body, reaching out to the needy, and witnessing through sharing the good news of God's glorious kingdom.


Who We Are Called To Serve

For a church community to remain effective, it must maintain the commitment to serve the surrounding community in sharing God's love; and be His witnesses globally as much as possible. All are welcome to our church to worship, to learn of Christ and to serve. 

We are a connectional church; a part of the Tennessee Valley District, in which 82 local churches participate. The TVA is part of the Holston Conference. The Conference meets annually in June. You will learn more about these relationships as needed, and there are many ways to be involved. 


Our Leadership Team

Supporting the Vision
Working to maintain that bright light on the hill to illuminate our community, the region, and the world.


From top right to bottom right: Pastor Lee C. Radford, Lay Leader and SPRC Committee Chair, James Cain; Lay Leader, First Lady Nola Radford; Lay Leader and Trustee, Diane Moore;  Church Council Chair, Nicole Cain; Music Director, Jason Moore; Interim Adm. Assist & Secretary, Joanne Foster.  



At Asbury UMC of Clinton, TN, We strive to be an inclusive church, welcoming all people with open arms. God is love, He loves us all, and we are to love each other as He has instructed.


(865) 264-5277

405 W. Broad Street
Clinton, TN 37716


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